Patrick Nitch, LPC-MHSP (He/Him)
About Patrick
Patrick is a licensed psychotherapist. He holds a master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Peabody College of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University. He also has an interdisciplinary bachelor's degree in Economics and Psychology also from Vanderbilt University.
Patrick has a particular interest in combining the core teachings and practices of mindfulness and spirituality with more Western traditional approaches to therapy, and often incorporates Internal Family Systems therapy into his work with folks. Patrick offers a unique and accessible approach to Nashville therapy, co-creating and cultivating a non-judgmental and compassionate space with each individual.
Mindfulness & Psychotherapy Training
After completing his graduate degree in 2012, Patrick headed out west to Northern California to study and practice mindfulness meditation, and to explore the intersection of spirituality and psychotherapy. Patrick worked as an outpatient therapist at a mindfulness based clinic, called Middle Way Health, supervised by Stephen Bryant Walker, LMFT (Lama Yeshe Jinpa). He also worked with New Dawn Recovery Treatment Centers. There he was supervised by psychologist, June Ruse, Psy.D., as a residential and outpatient therapist, and initiated New Dawn’s mindfulness and recovery program.
While in California, Patrick lived in an intentional yoga community in Sacramento for a year, called Lotus Garden Meditation Center. He completed residential training retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Marin County, and a residential training program at Yokoji Zen Mountain Center with teacher Tenshin Roshi in the Soto/Rinzai Zen White Plum lineage. Patrick returned to Nashville in 2014, where he established Mindful Nashville as a way to share his experiences with the Nashville therapy community. Patrick completed a mindfulness facilitator training program for healthcare professionals at Vanderbilt Osher Center for Integrative Medicine in 2017. He went on to complete a 2-year Buddhist Teacher Training program through Heartwood Refuge Center in Hendersonville, North Carolina in May 2020. Patrick also completed Level-1 IFS training in Internal Family Systems therapy in 2021, and considers this to be a way of embodying mindfulness or spiritual based therapy.
Questions for Patrick
Mindfulness means practicing being a kind, compassionate, and loving friend to myself. This is not always easy, but mindfulness practice starts here—cultivating curiosity about our present internal and external experience, and meeting that present moment reality with compassion, loving-kindness and acceptance. This allows us to enter into moments with others with that same curiosity, compassion and loving-kindness.
I was not always a kind, compassionate, loving friend to myself! I developed quite an elaborate system of avoiding my pain and suffering by staying busy with building an identity of who I thought I “should be”, meanwhile neglecting myself and my actual needs, desires and values. After college, I spent some time at a Bhakti Yoga meditation center in California that introduced me to what it was like to be in my body. It is through that practice that I discovered mindful movement, and ultimately mindfulness meditation.
When we are caught in a cycle of suffering, the kindest thing we can do for ourselves is reach out for support. Healing does not happen in isolation, but in community. And as a therapist, I can serve as a companion on the path into a community and into healing. So the same presence of curiosity, compassion and loving-kindness that I practice cultivating within my own experience, I help others cultivate in their experience. One of my intentions is often to bring a lightness and sense of humor to what is often quite heavy and quite serious. Therapy can quickly become an art. Every person is different and yet the same. We are all headed in a similar direction towards freedom from suffering, but our paths are often quite different, and we often need different directions to navigate towards that liberation.
Session fee is $175 for 50-minute session.
Licensed Professional Counselor-Mental Health Service Provider (TN License # 3569)
Email: Patrick@mindfulnashville.com
Phone: 615-988-0488